On 12 June 2014 08:01, Karanbir Singh <mail-lists@karan.org> wrote:
On 06/12/2014 02:45 PM, Trevor Hemsley wrote:
> I checked further and older ubuntu releases used to use update-motd but
> they've now modified pam_motd to invoke the scripts in
> /etc/update-motd.d on login instead. I checked my RHEL7rc VM and those
> modifications are not present there.

this is just a super complex solution to a problem that is far simpler
than it seems.

if a yum-plugin is able to drop the number somewhere, an echo in .skel
would be all the 'UI' we need, and if its there for the default user on
instance bringup, the skel should get copied over ( and then the user
can do whatever they please ) to all new users as well.

So a cron job which does a

yum list updates | awk 'BEGIN{x=0}; {if ($NF~'update') {x=x+1}}; END{print "Your system is behind  " x " updates."}' > /etc/centos-updates
Your system is behind  37 updates.
with it all being in python or something. Then in .bashrc a bit of 'if tty && SEENALREADY then cat /etc/centos-updates; SEENALREADY=1; fi' type logic

Stephen J Smoogen.