This quarters Live images are up on production:

What is new:


MIN is a text only Live image. You automatically are logged in at the console.

To do a text-only install run './install_to_hard_drive'

* Updated CentOS Logos.

This isn't really anything our SIG did, but the logo's were updated in CentOS Stream 9, and this is the first release with these new logos.

* Bugs fixed:

We were accidentally pulling in a few packages not in CentOS Stream, or EPEL.

This has been fixed.

Image Names:

CentOS-Stream-Image-CINNAMON-Live-9-202407091002 CentOS-Stream-Image-GNOME-Live-9-202407091002 CentOS-Stream-Image-KDE-Live-9-202407091002 CentOS-Stream-Image-MATE-Live-9-202407091002 CentOS-Stream-Image-MAX-Live-9-202407091002 CentOS-Stream-Image-MIN-Live-9-202407091002 CentOS-Stream-Image-XFCE-Live-9-202407091002


CentOS Alternative Images SIG