I think we need to take into account that there are multiple different purposes for a minimal image.  If I'm using the minimal image in Docker, I don't want or need sshd.  In other (non-container) places, I probably do.  So maybe we need more than one minimal (or micro) -- 'micro' (outrageously small image for outrageously small machines) and 'micro-lxc' (even smaller image for even smaller containers).

I definitely think yum should be included, though.  I should be able to 'RUN yum -y install ...' in my Dockerfile without first invoking some ugly 'RUN rpm -hvU http://...' mess.

One of the many cool things about containers is that we can really almost eliminate all of the userspace except for the application itself.  With that in mind, including yum is probably a violation of Twelve Factor (specifically, http://12factor.net/build-release-run), but the Docker build process doesn't really permit truly strict separation of build and run toolsets, just of the stages.  As LXC tools continue to evolve, though, there may be a use case for a micro image without even yum, with the assumption that the build stage will be accomplished by an external toolset.  That'll be an opportunity to really experiment with how much userspace we can pull out of CentOS.

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 1:27 PM, Les Mikesell <lesmikesell@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Jeff Sheltren <jeff@tag1consulting.com> wrote:
> Related questions we struggle with in Fedora: what about i18n and docs? If
> no docs, docs at all, not even man pages?
> "No docs at all" makes a lot of sense to me if we're going for truly
> minimal.  The main issue I see with that is making end-users aware that they
> better know what they're doing if they're installing this version.

Normally when you install a minimal version you already have a plan
for what you will do next.  In my case I want the least possible user
intervention (or network infrastructure support) to get a system to
the point where I can ssh in and complete the setup because people in
remote locations that are more familiar with other OS's may have to do
it.  I'd prefer for sshd and yum to work and to have openssh-clients
and rsync installed, but it wouldn't be a showstopper if it took an
extra scripted step to get yum going.   I'd gladly trade that for an
easier way to do the initial network setup when you have multiple NICs
and no DHCP (like showing you the one(s) with link up).

   Les Mikesell
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Chris St. Pierre