On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 2:39 AM <plageat@tut.by> wrote:
Actually, still on the way of undestanding how to report such cases. The practise shows, that RH bugzilla is not a solution atm, they do not even have applicable Product/Component field for such cases. Should we better contact directly someone from CentOSEngineeringTeamAtRedHat  or fill centos bug?
> Here is one to the RH bugzilla:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1851394
> 27.06.2020, 07:37, "Jim Perrin" <jperrin@centos.org>:
>>  Can you provide a link to the bugzilla please?

Looks like that particular package has just been released. I see the component "releng" which is probably most appropriate for reporting issues like this.

I also believe filing a CentOS bug would also help. CentOS devs should be able to take it from there.
