On 3 Mar 2021, at 15:37, Aoife Moloney <amoloney@redhat.com> wrote:Hi Tim,The CentOS Stream team are working on a style guide right now which we hope to publish soon, our aim is towards the middle to end of March.This will guide people wishing to add Stream on the correct version names and shorthand to use.FWIW I refer to it as CentOS Stream <number> and c<number>s for shorthand :)Thanks for bearing with us though on this, its being worked on actively and we hope to get something out to the public soon.Kindest regards,AoifeOn Wed, Mar 3, 2021 at 2:15 PM Tim Bell <tim.bell@cern.ch> wrote:
I see a number of different ways of naming CentOS Stream versions and it would be good to agree on a consistent one, especially as a number of other communities start to add stream support.
- Is it “CentOS Stream 8” or “CentOS 8 Stream” ?
- Is it “cs8” or “c8s” ?
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