+1 for symlink of the most recent build. IMO it's always good idea.
When it comes to the packer templates and checksums, you might be able
to do the following:
1. the first option - instead of fixed checksum use the following
`file://https://link/to/checksums` like in the example at
https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/qemu. I have never tried this, but
this **might** work
Oh nice, I hadn't noticed this as a feature before! Of course, this requires having the symlink in place for this to work properly.
CentOS Mirror Admins: Any chance this could happen? Where should I file an issue for this?
2. the second option is to parse checksum file (probably from URL)
manually. Export checksum as an environment variable, add variables
block to packer template that maps envs to local variables, then use
variables. It could look like:
Yeah, this might work but I'm not sure in this specific use case as I'm not the one controlling how the image gets built. Thanks for pointing this out!
"iso_checksum": "sha1:{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
"iso_url": "{{user `iso_url`}}",
//Variables are in root of packer json
"variables": {
"iso_checksum": "{{env `ISO_CHECKSUM`}}",
"iso_url": "{{env `ISO_NAME`}}",
You might probably simplify this by using `env` instead of `user` and
removing variables block. I never thought about this because our packer
templates are a little bit more complicated, and using environment
variables as the only way to fill template helps us keep build in check.
On 5/28/21 6:55 PM, Lance Albertson wrote:
> What is the current policy for Stream ISO's? It seems that it's
> currently only one week which is problematic when trying to maintain
> your own packer templates and having to constantly update the filename
> and checksums. It seems as though long term, this method doesn't bode
> well for maintainability.
> Would it be possible to do one of the following?
> 1. Offer a filename symlink to the "current" build?
> 2. Offer an ISO that exists longer than a week?
> 3. Host archived ISOs on vault (or somewhere else) with some saner retention
> Thanks-
> --
> Lance Albertson
> Director
> Oregon State University | Open Source Lab
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