On 2 September 2014 10:24, Michael Lampe <mlampe0@googlemail.com> wrote:
Jim Perrin wrote:

On 09/02/2014 08:16 AM, Karanbir Singh wrote:

now that EPEL has moved out of beta, what are the next steps needed to
get epel-release included in CentOS-Extras.

- KB

Re-signing the package with the centos key, and then adding it to the
repo. I don't see a need to do anything else.

What about some kind of preconfigured protection of base repositories? Epel doesn't live up to their own standards of not replacing system packages:

Ooops. I would have preferred to have learned of this on the mailing list before we moved out of beta and also on the epel-devel list. I will work on getting these cleaned up.
# yum -d3 update | grep epel

 --> advancecomp-1.19-1.el7.x86_64 from epel excluded (priority)
 --> itstool-2.0.2-1.el7.noarch from epel excluded (priority)
 --> libntlm-1.3-0.6.el7.x86_64 from epel excluded (priority)
 --> libntlm-devel-1.3-0.6.el7.x86_64 from epel excluded (priority)
 --> libvncserver-0.9.9-0.9.el7.x86_64 from epel excluded (priority)
 --> libvncserver-devel-0.9.9-0.9.el7.x86_64 from epel excluded (priority)
 --> perl-Crypt-PasswdMD5-1.3-0.16.el7.noarch from epel excluded (priority)
 --> perl-LWP-Protocol-https-6.04-3.el7.noarch from epel excluded (priority)
 --> perl-Mozilla-CA-20130114-4.el7.noarch from epel excluded (priority)
 --> python-mako-0.7.3-1.el7.noarch from epel excluded (priority)
 --> python-webob-1.2.3-8.el7.noarch from epel excluded (priority)

# yum list python-webob

Installed Packages
python-webob.noarch 1.2.3-6.el7                                             @base

And for epel 5 and epel 6 this list is much longer.

All I can say is '#%#@$@#D' and I am sorry. We just cleaned these up a short time ago, and there was supposed to be a job which runs to make sure these conflicts don't happen. 


CentOS-devel mailing list

Stephen J Smoogen.