I am working on the November newsletter (See https://wiki.centos.org/Newsletter for past issues) and would like content from you. Relevant topics include:

* What interesting things you're working on, in or on CentOS

* SIG reports (these have already been requested, but if you have something interesting to report, that would be of interest)

* Releases (either of SIG projects, or something else that you're working on)

* Tutorials/Howtos

* Upcoming events that you would like to promote

* Recent events that you attended and want to tell us about

Please either contact me directly, or (better yet) post to the centos-promo mailing list (copied here) with your ideas, your articles, or suggestions of who I should be approaching. Thanks!

Rich Bowen - rbowen@redhat.com
@CentOSProject // @rbowen
859 351 9166