On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 6:22 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel@gmail.com> wrote:
And you folks at git.centos.org and the CentOS core developer group, I
have some confidence in. Certainly Red Hat does,  they hired a bunch
of you. The result is that I assume you have good access from which
you are building your imported git.centos.org sources, either direct
git exports from Red Hat's internal git repos or a full feed Red Hat
subscription to work the SRPM's from. I'm actually quite curious which
you use, I don't see anything at git.centos.org to indicate. Either
way, though, I have some confidence in *your* access to upstream

This is where I've been trying to tell you you're wrong.  They've made it clear that they use git.centos.org, just like the rest of us.  The name on their paycheck doesn't make them special in this regard.  The domain in their email address doesn't make them special in this regard.  They are subject to the same limitations that we are, which is why asking *them* to certify that sources they *only consume* is pure folly.

Four CentOS core members work for upstream.  That does *not* make CentOS upstream.

Chris St. Pierre