The official CentOS distribution is a direct rebuild of the packages supplied by the upstream provider (RedHat).  To get officially included in CentOS, you would need to be officially included in RedHat Enterprise Linux.

There are other options, such as getting included in the EPEL repository, which many people use to find additional packages to use with CentOS.  You can view a list of the different repositories that work with CentOS here:

❧ Brian Mathis

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Sancho Lerena <> wrote:
Hi everybody

First at all, sorry if this mailing list is not the appropriate for the question I have.

I'm the project leader of Pandora FMS; a monitoring software with GPL licence. I want to include the packages officially in centos (our main distro) and we already have the RPM's created and even a customized centOS modified distro in CD (thanks to kickstart and livecd tools). The question is, how will be the best way to incorporate our packages to the official distro?.

Thanks a lot for your time.

Un saludo,

        Sancho Lerena
        Pandora FMS, the flexible monitoring system

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