Le 27/12/2020 à 13:08, Ljubomir Ljubojevic a écrit :
On 12/27/20 12:29 PM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
On pe, 25 joulu 2020, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
On 12/24/20 2:37 PM, Neal Gompa wrote:
In the strictest sense, it obviously is not. But in a very real
practical sense, it absolutely is. Aside from the kernel issues (which
I firmly believe are solvable), people are generally not going to
notice a difference between CentOS Linux 8 and CentOS Stream 8.

My CentOS Linux 8 boxes were replaced with CentOS Stream 8 back in the
spring because it was strictly better for production *and*
development. I've been in the process of opportunistically switching
our build targets from CentOS Linux 8 to CentOS Stream 8 most of the
year. With the retirement of CentOS Linux 8, it now becomes more of a
priority, but it was already going to happen.

As I understood it, Stream is not in full swing yet, there is no
active/daily contribution from RHEL team?
"Active/daily" contribution is pretty much a seasonal thing unrelated to
the actual processes. Right now majority of engineers contributing to
RHEL 8 sources are on their holidays and end of year vacation time. You
can notice these "activity dives" also in Fedora Project annual reports by
Matthew Miller, like
This is a well-known phenomenon in Fedora community.
Johnny Hughes wrote that Stream is not yet ready, that certain parts are
not in place. I did not bother to retain specifics since I will not be
using it at any time in the future, I only need to know enough to notify
or answer on Facebook where I am admin.


What will happen to your system when/if there is new kernel change every
few days? How much "punishment" can your system handle safely?
You certainly control when you can and want upgrade your deployment
systems. It has nothing to do with the cadence of updates coming into a

I find this fixation on the kernel updates is skewing things a lot.
Kernel, certainly, is important, but it is not the thing that is RHEL or
CentOS distribution, alone.

It is crucial issue if you install any kernel module not provided by Red
Hat (3rd party drivers). If some software that you might or might not
use brakes, you can mess around your working system and fix it.
But if after dnf update your system crashes or network is down, and it
is bare metal system, they you are f**ked, you need to reach the system
manually (I install on regular PC hardware without ILO) and reverse to
prior kernel. Even if I am quick about it, it will be very embarrassing
for me in front of my clients (small in number as they are) whose work
will stop for that period, so I will not be caught dead using CentOS
Stream, I do not need the potential headache, embarrassment.

Move to Oracle UEK kernels should be the solution, they use the same updated
version for EL7 and EL8.


Jean-Marc LIGER
Chef du Service Informatique
UFR de Médecine de Paris Centre
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