Thanks for the link. Won't it be a good idea to provide the link of LiveCD release page from so the user navigates to the correct page if they are downloading a live image. 

Above page only provides link for main distribution release notes. Alternatively, a link from page can also be provided just in case the user is looking for LiveCD stuff.

Just suggesting; as I think it may be helpful to a lot of people.

On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 9:02 PM, Anssi Johansson <> wrote:
24.10.2015, 18.23, SZ Quadri kirjoitti:
Can someone kindly enlighten why CentOS-6.7-i386-LiveCD has been
excluded from the checksum provided on

If you are providing it from all the download sources/mirrors; then
please include the checksum in the release page also so that one can
verify after downloading.

I want to use 6.7 livecd on some old hardware and have no way to make
sure the image is safe to use.

If possible kindly do consider adding sha256 checksum to the page.

The LiveCD/DVDs have their own release notes pages:

Those pages contain the sha256sums of the images. These release notes are mentioned in the 0_README.txt file that resides in the isos directory,

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SZ Quadri