We are glad to hear it! Is there any particular part of Atomic that interests you?

In the meantime, we are still working on putting together a CentOS-based Atomic image. If you would like to keep tabs on that effort, swing by the #Atomic channel on Freenode IRC.

Brian Proffitt
Co-Community Lead
Project Atomic

From: jparks@jpconsulted.com
To: centos-devel@centos.org
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 12:40:32 PM
Subject: Re: [CentOS-devel] CentOS Atomic Host SIG Proposal

This sounds like fun, I'm wanting to start contributing to the CentOS project and this seems like it'd be a great way for me to start. I would love to be involved with this SIG.

CentOS-devel mailing list