On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 9:31 AM Troy Dawson <tdawson@redhat.com> wrote:
During the past week qt5 was updated on CentOS Stream 8 and 9 to version 5.15.3.  This caused updates to break for KDE users running CentOS Stream 8 and 9.  The epel 8 and 9 packages affected are being rebuilt at this time.  We expect everything rebuilt and through testing next week.

Question: Does this affect my RHEL/Alma/Rocky 8/9 install?
Answer: Not at this time.  This qt5 update isn't going to be released until RHEL 8.7 and 9.1.

Question: What is being rebuilt?
epel8 - We believe about 30 packages.  That includes all of the qt5 packages in epel8, as well as several plasma and kf5 packages that have tight version dependencies on qt5.

epel9 - The entire KDE Plasma Desktop stack. (about 380 packages).  There recently has been an update to wayland-protocols in Stream 9.  It didn't break anything, but it had been an update that was needed to update to the latest kf5 and plasma releases.  Since we knew that the qt5 update was coming, we held off rebuilding everything until qt5 came out.  Now that it is out, we are updating everything.

Troy Dawson

Latest update on this.

EPEL9 - Everything is in epel-next-testing.  To do your update do
  dnf --enablerepo=epel-next-testing update

Reminder, this is a complete KDE Plasma Desktop update to plasma 5.24.4, kf5 5.93, qt5 5.15.3

EPEL8 - Some packages are rebuilt and available, but qt5-qtwebengine, and everything that depends on it, has not been rebuilt.
This is due to a complex module bug in CentOS Stream 8 affecting the epel8-next buildroot.  It may, or may not, get fixed this week.

Thank you all for your patience.