Hi Folks,
habe heute mal wieder ein Update per yumex gefahren.
Alles wurde soweit ohne Fehlermeldungen auch installiert.
Allerdings habe ich jetzt , nach einem reboot, zwei Probleme.
Clamd (Version 0.90 irgendwas) kann nicht gestartet werden
Feb 15 15:39:08 main clamd: ERROR: Parse error at line 34: Option LogTime
requires boolean argument.
Feb 15 15:39:08 main clamd: ERROR: Can't open/parse the config
file /etc/clamd.conf
Feb 15 15:39:08 main clamd: Starten von clamd failed
/etc/clamd.conf existiert
und yum /yumex ebenfalls nicht.
yum Version 2.9.4
[root@main etc]#yum search gimp
Loading "protectbase" plugin
Plugin "fastestmirror" uses deprecated constant TYPE_INTERFACE.
Please use TYPE_INTERACTIVE instead.
Loading "fastestmirror" plugin
/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/yum/plugins.py:381: DeprecationWarning:
registerOpt() will go away in a future version ofYum.
Please manipulate config.YumConf and config.RepoConf directly.
Setting up repositories
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/yum", line 29, in ?
File "/usr/share/yum-cli/yummain.py", line 102, in main
result, resultmsgs = do()
File "/usr/share/yum-cli/cli.py", line 545, in doCommands
return self.search()
File "/usr/share/yum-cli/cli.py", line 1129, in search
for (po, matched_value) in matching:
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/PIL/__init__.py", line 1144, in
File "/usr/share/yum-cli/cli.py", line 83, in doRepoSetup
yum.YumBase.doRepoSetup(self, thisrepo=thisrepo)
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/PIL/__init__.py", line 292, in
File "plugins.py", line 152, in run
File "/usr/lib/yum-plugins/fastestmirror.py", line 78, in postreposetup_hook
repo.set('urls', repomirrors[str(repo)])
AttributeError: YumRepository instance has no attribute 'set'
[root@main etc]# yumex
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/yumex/yumexmain.py", line 36, in ?
from yumex.yum24XBase import *
File "yum24XBase.py", line 26, in ?
ImportError: No module named repomd
Was ist da los/schief gelaufen?
Modul repmod? Ein Python-Modul?
Wo bekomme ich das (jetzt!!!) her?