El día 15 de julio de 2011 11:20, test test@giron.sld.cu escribió:
He tratado de buscar la descarga del Centos 6 version para CD en uno de los mirror y no la encuentro, donde puede estar ??
Hola, todo lo explican en la web de www.centos.org, la leiste?, bueno te la muestro:
July 10th 2011
The CentOS team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS-6.0 for i386 and x86_64 Architectures.
CentOS-6.0 is based on the upstream release EL 6.0 and includes packages from all variants. All upstream repositories have been combined into one, to make it easier for end users to work with.
There are some important changes to this release compared with the previous versions of CentOS and we highly recommend reading this announcement along with the Release Notes.
There are no CD images being released with CentOS-6, however we have some CD variants in the pipeline.
Since upstream has a 6.1 version already released, we will be using a Continous Release repository for 6.0 to bring all 6.1 and post 6.1 security updates to all 6.0 users, till such time as CentOS-6.1 is released itself.
LiveCDs and LiveDVDs for i386 and x86_64 will be released the next few days. These will bring in the ability to directly install from the live media.
There will also be a minimal install CD, that would bring up a base machine with just enough content to have a usable platform.
In order to bring back the CentOS-4 Server CD style single iso image, an LWS variant of the main distro will be created.
And now: Have fun.
Por ahora no estan disponibles lo live, pero en pocas horas o dias ya estarán, seguir el twitter de centos: http://twitter.com/#!/centos, ahí dicen clarito que pronto estarán disponibles los live cd/dvd, esos creoq ue si los puedes descargar y por lo leido por ahí creo que si se peude instalr centos desde livecd, saludos...
El dilema es que no me permiten bajar 4 GB la version DVD ISO, por restricciones en mi red.
Saludos ..DElaosa
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