Les reenvio un mensaje de la lista de promoción de CentOS, Karan quiere incluir algo sobre #centos-es en el próximo newsletter.

Me permití meter mi cuchara y preguntar que es lo que quisieran ver sobre nuestra comunidad ahí. Esperamos respuesta.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ernesto Celis <celisdelafuente@gmail.com>
Date: 2009/9/16
Subject: Re: [CentOS-promo] Next Newsletter release
To: mail@marcus-moeller.de, "Events, gatherings and meetings" <centos-promo@centos.org>

2009/9/16 Marcus Moeller <mail@marcus-moeller.de>

2009/9/16 Karanbir Singh <mail-lists@karan.org>:
I noticed its not released as yet, is there still time to get some more
content in ? If so, it would be nice to get some info on #centos-es, the
spanish speaking centos irc channel for users. I can get some content
together on that on short notice if needed.

Or are we better off shooting for the next newsletter ?
> On 09/16/2009 02:28 PM, Marcus Moeller wrote:
>> We still welcome content for this release.
> when is this due to be released ?

Hopefully next weekend.

Hi! I'm member of the centos-es community, what kind of content for the newsletter fo you need (want)?

We have an irc meeting tonight, so it would be a good subject to discuss.

Best Regards


P.S. Please Karan, don't ask for spanish lessons :P it's out of topic.