El 04/08/2012 05:18 p.m., Miguel González Castaños escribió:
Que yo sepa no funcionan ya que los repos de Centos no tienen los metadata de seguridad:
al final del todo pone un usuario:
"Both options are added by the yum-security plugin but on CentOS they should both do nothing - at least when used to query the CentOS supplied repos as there is no CentOS supplied security metadata in the updateinfo.xml.gz. The only place that I've found that does supply this metadata is the EPEL repository and on that repo, it only seems to work with list-security and not with `yum --security list`. Since both options are added by the same plugin, I'd conclude that one is broken and the other is not"
Ahora veo porque me funcionó, tenia el repositorio epel instalado y solo con ese funciona :-( .
Vale tu recomendación:
Gracias por la información!
Fernando M.