Eu também!!!!! 

2010/9/23 Lincoln Zuljewic Silva <>

Sempre que eu respondo um e-mail para a lista recebo esta responsta
automática do endereço "".

Quem quer que seja, será que poderia descadastrar este e-mail e
cadastrar um outro que não traga esta mensagem?


2010/9/23 Portuguese (Brazilian) CentOS mailing list <>:
> Hello,
> This is an automated response to inform you that your question has been entered into our system, and will be reviewed shortly. Your ticket has been submitted into the "General Support" department.
> We will respond to you as soon as possible.
> ==============
> Please keep this information, and use it when refering to your ticket:
> Ticket subject: Re: [CentOS-pt-br] Configuração de IP
> Ticket number: 24794087
> Ticket link:
> Ticket body: Talvez o MAC address...verrifique se o está correto e conforme for,
> comente a linha no ifcfg-eth0...
> []'
> Lincoln
> 2010/9/23 Flávio Barros <>:
>> Bom dia.
>> Começei a utilizar o CentOS como vm de um servidor virtualizado com o XEX -
>> Tentei alterar o IP dele mas não consegui.
>> Fiz os seguintes passos:
>> # vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
>> DEVICE=eth0
>> BOOTPROTO=static
>> HWADDR=96:71:32:1E:88:CE
>> ONBOOT=yes
>> # vi /etc/sysctl.conf
>> net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
>> # vi /etc/resolv.conf
>> search semsa
>> nameserver
>> # /etc/init.d/network restart
>> Tem alguma coisa errada ?
>> --
>> Desde já agradeço,
>> +++
>> Flávio de Oliveira Barros
>> Manaus - Amazonas - Brasil
>> Copiar é bom!
>> Seja Legal
>> Use Software Livre
>> Ubuntu User number is # 28558
>> Linux Registered User# 278223
>> _______________________________________________
> --
> Lincoln Zuljewic Silva
> More contact info.:
> "How often must a question be asked before it’s considered a
> frequently asked question?"
> _______________________________________________
> ==============

Lincoln Zuljewic Silva
More contact info.:

"How often must a question be asked before it’s considered a
frequently asked question?"