I'm trying to get perl working correctly on a new server and have a
tough time. The server works fine for all standard web pages and hosts
about 10 domains. Here's is my test.cgi CGI script I'm trying to run:
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "Hello!";
When I attempt to access the file via a web browers, I get this:
[Tue Jul 12 16:46:11 2005] [error] [client] (13)Permission
denied: exec of '/var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi' failed
[Tue Jul 12 16:46:11 2005] [error] [client] Premature end
of script headers: test.cgi
However, if I run it locally, I get the "Hello" output. I gave the file
777 and 755 rights (neither worked) and even gave apache ownership
(apache:apache owns the file). Still get the Error 500 web page and the
above errors.
So I went further and dug more. In the httpd.conf, I established this:
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl ; set this: ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
"/var/www/cgi-bin/" ; <Directory "/var/www/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride None
Options ExecCGI
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Still no luck....
What am I missing?