This afternoon I received the new that my institution, in the main
direction, is planning (for political reasons, I don't know which
one??) migrate to Debian.
I have a hotted conversation with my boss cause I've been working on
CentOS during near a year and half. I explained it that both distros
just implement the protocols that are standards, that could be
installed a web server in a Debian Box or in a CentOS Box, both can
use apache and generally the service will be stable in both, without a
lot of differences. Also that the use of each one is indifferent, just
a matter of user's comfort and that means, it will take a long time to
change to other, because not only will be the time in planning
services, but the time in learn a new way of do it too.
Note: if I said something wrong correct me please.
The arguments they gave to me were, what happen if redhat close the
base packages, they don't have to release them, but just to the buyer,
and we can't buy the distro, there are others distros like debian that
is totally free, and without dependencies of proprietary industry.
I really struggle a little more to defend, CentOS and my comfort on it
;) , but have not solids arguments about that issue, I really never
worried about it.
Would some of you explain me this issue, or point me somewhere to
read?. I'll really appreciate that.