I'm an Austrian writer living in Montpezat (South France). I've been 100%
GNU/Linux for the past five years, and I recently switched from Slackware to
CentOS, for the sake of comfort. Overall impression: I like it!
I have a few problems to solve yet in my migration effort, mostly minor
annoyances. First things first.
I need three different keyboard layouts: de, fr_CH and fr. I'm used to toggle
between these. Now this doesn't seem to work with CentOS 4.3. (My system is in
french, so I have to translate Menu entries back to english, I don't know if
they will be accurate...). Anyway.
Applications -> Preferences -> Keyboard opens the keyboard configuration window.
There's a section called "Agencement" in french, guess this will be "layout".
When I try to add a layout, I get the following error message: (again,
translating back from french)
XKB configuration error during activation. Probably an internal X server error.
I close the error message window. The new layout seems to be added. But when I
try to toggle keyboard layouts (default: pressing [Alt] + [AltGr]), I get
something that could be best described as a martian layout. Lots of nonsense.
Now how could I fix this?
When using XFCE with Slack, before the days of a keyboard switching plugin, I
just manually defined some commands like 'setxkbmap [some options] -layout
fr_CH', and then assigned these to some keyboard shortcuts. Is this a viable
solution here? Or what would you recommend?
This is rather annoying, since I type text in three languages (I also work as a
translator), and I'm a bit stuck here.
Any suggestions?
Niki Kovacs