CentOS is simply great. I use it as my main desktop. I use VMWare
clients for any "special needs" software. I am struggling a bit with
the plethora of repos and looking for some advice.
Would you opine with detail on the best repo setup for a desktop CentOS 5?
Comments: rpmforge provides fine rpms. kbsingh, google, adobe,
kde-redhat, CentOS-Testing , CentOS-fastrack, epel, ATRPMs also provide
fine RPMs. epel seems to have some stuff that I have not found on the
others (like gnucash), but enabling epel worries me about conflicts with
rpmforge et al. I recalling hearing about priorities and protectbase
yum plugins. My thinking is someone has mastered these issues and I
could copy their setup so I could do a "yum search whatever" a "yum
provides whatever", "yum update", etc without having to enable/disable
repos or includepkgs/exclude packages in the repo (i.e., "just work").
I realize one size won't fit all, but your recommendations/thoughts are
John Thomas