I am trying to integrate RHDS 8.0 with windows 2003 ads on centos 5.1 as
per the centos documentation for user/group and password sync from windows
I am using windows sync and Passsync . But i am facing problem with the
certificate creation.
Followed the below step in centos box runing rhds to setup ssl.*
- vi pin.txt
- Create a noise file for the encryption
vi noise.txt
- Create the key and certificate databases database
certutil -N -d . -f pin.txt (results, makes 3 files with db extension)
- Generate the encryption key
certutil -G -d . -z noise.txt -f pin.txt
- Generate the self-signed CA certificate
certutil -S -n "CA Certificate" -s "cn=CAcert" -x -t "CT,,"
-m 1000 -v 9999 -d . -z noise.txt -f pin.txt
(generates CA certificate and puts into db stores, can be verified with:
certutil –L –d . –n "Certificate Name", where Certificate Name is
CA Certificate)
- Generate the Directory Server Client Certificate
certutil -S -n "server-cert" -s "cn=FQDN,cn=Directory Server" -c "CA
Certificate" -t "u,u,u" -m 1001 -v 9999 -d .
-z noise.txt -f pin.txt
- Convert to pkcs12 format (note these files will be used within the AD
system, and the prompted password for the commands below will need to match
password in pin.txt file)
pk12util -d . -o cacert.pk12 -n "CA Certificate"
pk12util -d . -o dscert.pk12 -n "server-cert"
*After that when i executed ldapsearch -x -ZZ it showing all the
entries properly on rhds centos box,
so its indicates ssl was perfectly configured on RHDS*
*STEPS FOLLOWED ON WINDOWS 2003 ADS BOX to **Set up SSL on the Active
Directory Server*
- Install a certificate authority in the Windows Components section in
Add/Remove Programs .
- Select the Enterprise Root CA option.
- Make sure to use the hostname as the DN serverX and then for the domain
dc=example,dc=com (note, this should resemble your FQDN)
- Reboot Windows Machine
- Log back in to the box...give it a little while, it's windows :-)
- Got to Start>>Run>>mmc
- Under File>>Add/Remove Snap-in
- Click Add, Click Certificates, Click Add, Click Computer Account, Click
Next and finish
- Go to Trusted Root Certificates>>Certificates>>Right Click>>All
- Go to where you copied the pk12 files from earlier and import the
*Create DB Stores For PassSync in windows 2003 ads server*
- Copy .pk12 files that were put on Windows system to C:\Program
Files\Red Hat Directory Password Synchronization\
- In this directory run certutil -d . -N (from dos command)
- This creates empty db stores, next run the following to import your
dscert.pk12 into the key store
pk12util -d . -i dscert.pk12
- Then give trusted peer status to the server
certutil -d . -M -n server-cert -t "P,P,P"
When i executed the above command on windows 2003 ads box it giving
me following error
certutil.exe unable to decode trust strings error 0
Also the certificate created from centos box using certutil
is showing validation date and expiration date as current date and
time in both CA Cert and Server-cert
i checked the certificate content by using
certutil –L –d . –n "Certificate Name"
certutil –L –d . –n "Server-cert"
Plz help me how to troubleshoot this error.