> Patrick Derwael wrote:
> > */[Patrick Derwael] /*
> > The point is that Parallel supports exactly CentOS 4.4 and 5.0, Fedora
> > 4 and 6 and RHEL 4ES and 5ES.
> Primary focus of this policy is to address the
> specific issue you are running up against
My only issue is that I want to be able to get support from Parallels, and
(I know software vendors!!) it would be too easy for them to say "Sorry,
your OS version is not supported"...
> Now, I dont know what parallel is or what you are doing there, but I
> dont belive the Vendor that only one update level is supported. Perhaps
> they have a dependancy on a specific package ( like the kernel ) - those
> are easy to lock into a version with things like yum-versionlock.
Parallels is selling virtualization products and web hosting solutions. I
was originally using a hosting package called Ensim, but Parallels bought
Ensim over a while ago. Today, due to business growth, I need to expand my
hosting capacity and to add an extra licence from Parakllels.
> > As far as my other systems are concerned, (pen testing) I will reinstall
> > them under Centos 5.2 in the coming weeks
> you dont need to reinstall to get from 5.0 to 5.2, if you do a yum
> update, that will bring in all the updated packages. ( remember
> 5.0+updates == 5.2 ).
I currently run Fedora 7 --> I have to rebuild brand new systems from ISOs
Thanks !