> you'd need a remote console of some sort on that box. many brand name
> servers have these, HP calls it iLO, Dell calls it DRAC, etc. these
> have their own ethernet port, which has to be connected to the network
> and configured. you'd also need a PXE server on the same network
> segment to do a jumpstart install from, or use a virtual CD with that
> remote console (slow if you're not onsite)
> Barring that, I think you are SOL.
Thanks for the reply.
I some more details: I have the following HD config:
sda1 - 100 megs, /boot
sda2 - 1gb, swap
sda3 - 70gb, raid
sdb1 - 100 megs, empty
sdb2 - 1gb swap
sbb3 - 70gb raid
Would it be possible to use /boot to hold something? or perhaps turning off
the swap and using the two gigs there? I could probably trim down the OS to
under 2gb total.