CentOS has developed our own mirrorlist and isolist applications and
inside this application, we have some countries that we shift to other
countries and we also have some country groups defined.
The purpose of these groupings is to have adjacent countries grouped
together for applications like fastest mirror and others.
I will put here what we currently have and ask the community to vet the
list for us to make it better.
Our major (large) groups are:
us - North
eu - Europe
ap - Asia Pacific
oc - Oceania
af - Africa
sa - South America
c1 - (Use High Bandwidth, don't know location)
Here is our current countries "with mirrors" to large group list (1st
variable is CC, 2nd is Group Code):
ar => 'sa',
at => 'eu',
au => 'oc',
ba => 'eu',
be => 'eu',
bg => 'eu',
br => 'sa',
c1 => 'c1',
c2 => 'eu',
c3 => 'ap',
c4 => 'us',
ca => 'us',
ch => 'eu',
cl => 'sa',
cn => 'ap',
cr => 'sa',
cz => 'eu',
de => 'eu',
dk => 'eu',
ee => 'eu',
es => 'eu',
fi => 'eu',
fr => 'eu',
gb => 'eu',
ge => 'eu',
gr => 'eu',
hk => 'ap',
hu => 'eu',
id => 'oc',
ie => 'eu',
il => 'af',
in => 'ap',
is => 'eu',
it => 'eu',
jp => 'ap',
kr => 'ap',
kz => 'ap',
lt => 'eu',
lu => 'eu',
md => 'eu',
my => 'oc',
nl => 'eu',
no => 'eu',
nz => 'oc',
ph => 'ap',
pl => 'eu',
pr => 'us',
pt => 'eu',
ro => 'eu',
ru => 'ap',
se => 'eu',
sg => 'ap',
si => 'eu',
sk => 'eu',
th => 'ap',
tr => 'eu',
tw => 'ap',
ua => 'eu',
us => 'us',
vn => 'ap',
za => 'af',
We have created some smaller groups for each mirror country:
ar => 'br-cl-cr-pr-us',
at => 'de-ch-lu-fr-cz-sk-hu-it',
au => 'nz-sg-tw-kr-jp',
ba => 'it-hu-bg-si-ro',
be => 'fr-nl-de-lu-gb',
bg => 'gr-ro-tr-it-md',
br => 'pr-cl-ar-cr-us',
c1 => 'c1',
c2 => 'c2',
c3 => 'c3',
ca => 'us-is',
ch => 'de-nl-be-fr',
cl => 'pr-br-ar-cr-us',
cn => 'tw-kr-sg-jp-ru',
cr => 'br-cl-ar-pr-us',
cz => 'pl-sk-de-at',
de => 'be-ch-fr-nl-dk-gb',
dk => 'de-se-nl-fi-no',
ee => 'fi-ru-lt-pl-se-no',
es => 'pt-fr-de-gb',
fi => 'se-dk-no-de-nl',
fr => 'de-nl-ch-be-es',
gb => 'ie-nl-de-fr',
ge => 'tr-eg',
gr => 'tr-bg-it-ro',
hk => 'cn-tw-ph-vn-th',
hu => 'at-ro-si-sk-ba',
id => 'sg-my-ph-au-vn',
ie => 'gb-nl-de',
il => 'it-tr-gr-bg',
in => 'in-bd-vn-hk-sg-cn',
is => 'gb-no-se-ca',
it => 'de-ch-fr-lu-at-si',
jp => 'sg-cn-kr-tw-ru',
kr => 'jp-cn-tw-sg-ru',
kz => 'ru-tr',
lt => 'pl-ro-no-ee-de',
lu => 'de-nl-be-fr',
md => 'ro-ua-bg-si',
my => 'id-sg-au-th-vn',
nl => 'de-dk-gb-be-fr',
no => 'se-fi-dk-de-nl',
nz => 'au-sg-jp-tw',
ph => 'vn-my-sg-id-au',
pl => 'cz-ua-de-se-si',
pr => 'cl-br-us-cr',
pt => 'es-fr-de-gb',
ro => 'at-de',
ru => 'fi-cn-kr-jp',
se => 'no-fi-dk-de-nl',
sg => 'my-id-ph-au-th',
si => 'it-md-at-ba-hu',
sk => 'cz-hu-pl-md-at',
th => 'cn-vn-my-sg-ph-hk',
tr => 'gr-it-de-bg-ro',
tw => 'cn-kr-sg-jp',
ua => 'pl-ro-cz-de-md',
us => '',
vn => 'ph-sg-my-hk-cn',
za => 'il-br-tr-es-in',
This is our list of adjacent countries, so if you are in PH, you will
first get mirrors in conutry (PH), then from the small group (VN, CN, TW
), THEN from the large group (AP), THEN back filled from C1.
Or if you are in ZA, you would get mirrors from the country (ZA), then
from small group (IL, BR, TR, ES, IN), then from large group (AF), THEN
backfill from C1.
We also have a cross reference having one country masquerade as another
for grouping purposes (countries with mirrors are on the right) ... here
is that list:
A2 => "C1",
AD => "ES",
AE => "IL",
AF => "IN",
AG => "US",
AI => "US",
AL => "GR",
AM => "TR",
AN => "US",
AO => "ZA",
AP => "C3",
AQ => "C1",
AR => "AR",
AS => "AU",
AT => "AT",
AU => "AU",
AW => "CR",
AZ => "TR",
BA => "BA",
BB => "BR",
BD => "SG",
BE => "BE",
BF => "ZA",
BG => "BG",
BH => "IL",
BI => "ZA",
BJ => "ZA",
BM => "US",
BN => "IL",
BO => "CL",
BR => "BR",
BS => "US",
BT => "CN",
BV => "ZA",
BW => "ZA",
BY => "DE",
BZ => "CR",
CA => "CA",
CD => "ZA",
CF => "ZA",
CG => "ZA",
CH => "CH",
CI => "ZA",
CK => "NZ",
CL => "CL",
CM => "ZA",
CN => "CN",
CO => "BR",
CR => "CR",
CS => "SI",
CU => "PR",
CV => "ES",
CY => "GR",
CZ => "CZ",
DE => "DE",
DJ => "IL",
DK => "DK",
DM => "PR",
DO => "PR",
DZ => "IL",
EC => "BR",
EE => "EE",
EG => "IL",
ER => "IL",
ES => "ES",
ET => "IL",
EU => "C2",
FI => "FI",
FJ => "AU",
FK => "AR",
FM => "PH",
FO => "NO",
FR => "FR",
GA => "ZA",
GB => "GB",
GD => "PR",
GE => "GE",
GF => "BR",
GH => "ZA",
GI => "ES",
GL => "SE",
GM => "ZA",
GN => "ZA",
GP => "PR",
GQ => "ZA",
GR => "GR",
GT => "CR",
GU => "SG",
GW => "ZA",
GY => "BR",
HK => "HK",
HM => "AU",
HN => "CR",
HR => "SI",
HT => "PR",
HU => "HU",
ID => "ID",
IE => "IE",
IL => "IL",
IN => "IN",
IO => "SG",
IQ => "TR",
IR => "TR",
IS => "IS",
IT => "IT",
JM => "PR",
JO => "IL",
JP => "JP",
KE => "ZA",
KG => "CN",
KH => "TH",
KI => "C1",
KM => "ZA",
KN => "PR",
KP => "KR",
KR => "KR",
KW => "IL",
KY => "PR",
KZ => "KZ",
LA => "CN",
LB => "IL",
LC => "PR",
LI => "CH",
LK => "IN",
LR => "ZA",
LS => "ZA",
LT => "LT",
LU => "LU",
LV => "RO",
LY => "IT",
MA => "ES",
MC => "FR",
MD => "MD",
MG => "ZA",
MH => "AU",
MK => "SI",
ML => "ES",
MM => "IN",
MN => "ZA",
MO => "HK",
MP => "PH",
MQ => "PR",
MR => "ES",
MS => "PR",
MT => "IT",
MU => "ZA",
MV => "IN",
MW => "ZA",
MX => "US",
MY => "MY",
MZ => "ZA",
NA => "ZA",
NC => "AU",
NE => "ZA",
NF => "AU",
NG => "ZA",
NI => "CR",
NL => "NL",
NO => "NO",
NP => "IN",
NR => "AU",
NU => "AU",
NZ => "NZ",
OM => "IN",
PA => "US",
PE => "CL",
PF => "AU",
PG => "AU",
PH => "PH",
PK => "IN",
PL => "PL",
PR => "PR",
PS => "IL",
PT => "PT",
PW => "PH",
PY => "CL",
QA => "IL",
RE => "ZA",
RO => "RO",
RU => "RU",
RW => "ZA",
SA => "IL",
SB => "AU",
SC => "IN",
SD => "IL",
SE => "SE",
SG => "SG",
SI => "SI",
SK => "SK",
SL => "ZA",
SM => "IT",
SN => "ZA",
SO => "ZA",
SR => "BR",
ST => "ZA",
SV => "US",
SY => "IL",
SZ => "ZA",
TC => "PR",
TD => "ZA",
TF => "ZA",
TG => "ZA",
TH => "TH",
TJ => "KZ",
TK => "AU",
TM => "KZ",
TN => "IT",
TO => "AU",
TR => "TR",
TT => "BR",
TV => "AU",
TW => "TW",
TZ => "ZA",
UA => "UA",
UG => "ZA",
UM => "US",
US => "US",
UY => "CL",
UZ => "KZ",
VA => "IT",
VC => "PR",
VE => "CL",
VG => "PR",
VI => "PR",
VN => "VN",
VU => "AU",
WF => "AU",
WS => "AU",
YE => "IL",
YT => "ZA",
ZA => "ZA",
ZM => "ZA",
ZW => "ZA",
This is basically a cross reference, the countries on the right is where
we have mirrors, the ones on the left are the countries as returned from
an IP address.
If anything looks bad, especially for people who are in the countries
and can tell us which ones are logically near (via the network) and not
necessarily physically near, please reply to this thread and lets see if
we can make the mirror network better.
Johnny Hughes