Just discovered these messages in /var/log/messages, while looking at
the USB problem I just posted about, separately.
Apr 27 20:23:16 fcshome kernel: NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 331.67, but
Apr 27 20:23:16 fcshome kernel: NVRM: this kernel module has the version 331.49. Please
Apr 27 20:23:16 fcshome kernel: NVRM: make sure that this kernel module and all NVIDIA driver
Apr 27 20:23:16 fcshome kernel: NVRM: components have the same version.
Apr 27 20:23:16 fcshome kernel: NVRM: nvidia_frontend_ioctl: minor 255, module->ioctl failed, error -22
Apr 29 19:22:30 fcshome kernel: NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 331.67, but
Apr 29 19:22:30 fcshome kernel: NVRM: this kernel module has the version 331.49. Please
Apr 29 19:22:30 fcshome kernel: NVRM: make sure that this kernel module and all NVIDIA driver
but I cannot find anything relating to Nvidia that has a 331.49 version number.
"yum list installed | grep 331.49" returns no hits
"yum list installed | grep 331.[0-9]" returns ONLY hits on 331.67.
"find 331" finds lots of things, but none of them is 331.49.
So, I'd be appreciative if someone could shine a light on this for me.
---- Fred Smith -- fredex(a)fcshome.stoneham.ma.us -----------------------------
Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths;
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
And my hope is in you all day long.
-------------------------- Psalm 25:4-5 (NIV) --------------------------------