Larry Martell wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 11:42 AM, <m.roth(a)> wrote:
>> Larry Martell wrote:
>>> On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 11:21 AM, <m.roth(a)> wrote:
>>>> Larry Martell wrote:
>>>>> We have 1 system ruining Centos7 that is the NFS server. There are
50 external machines that FTP files to this server fairly
>>>>> We have another system running Centos6 that mounts the partition the
files are FTP-ed to using NFS.
>>>> <snip>
>>>> What filesystem?
>>> Sorry for being dense, but I am not a sys admin, I am programmer and
we have no sys admin. I don't know what you mean by your question. I
am NFS mounting to what ever the default filesystem would be on a
CentOS6 system.
>> This *is* a sysadmin issue.
> I know it's a sysadmin issue. I wish we had one, but we don't and I am
the one being asked to fix things.
Seriously, get a really good book on doing sysadmin work. 10 years ago, I
was recommending O'Reilly's one, "Essential Systems Administration", by
Aeleen Frisch. It saved my butt, I assure you, 21 years ago, when I had
the same thing happen.
>> Each partition is formatted as a specific type
>> of filesystem. The standard Linux filesystems for Upsteam-descended
have been ext3, then ext4, and now xfs. Tools to manipulate xfs will
not work with extx, and vice versa.
> I have no remote access to this system, only on site, so it will have to
wait until Monday for me to check. (The system is in Japan and I
traveled from NY to Japan, where I am now, just to fix this issue.)
Oh, geez, they want you to fix this... but you can't ssh in? This is *so*
stupid. Here, fix this, and before you start, let me put an eyepatch over
one eye, ties one hand behind your back, and prevent you from using
Best of luck, guy.