I've never seen anything like this. We moved it from the data center
yesterday, and this morning I plug it in, and it won't power up. I find a
manual for it online, and it says that on plugging it in, wait 3 minutes.
The power button will flash 4x/sec, then slow down to once a sec, and at
that time you can power it up.
Well, it never stops flashing at 4x/sec. I've connected a network cable,
wondering if it's in wake-on-lan; I've tried connecting to it via its
management port, and *zip*.
I'm not going to do, as several folks' posts that I googled (been at that
for hours), cut the cable and solder in an on/off switch. I have taken the
lid uff, reseated the PSUs, and the cable connecting to the front panel,
and nada.
Anyone got any ideas?