I've just done a little "study" (well, nothing quite that pretentious)
of the traffic hitting my router, that gets DROPped the router's
firewall. there is a surprisingly (to me, at least) enormous amount of
it. over about the last 3 weeks, it has dropped over 65,000 connection
I finally got around to figuring out how to have the router's logging
mechanism connect to the rsyslog on my Centos workstation, so I can
collect a large body of log entries to review. previously I could see
only a few hundred at a time, since the router doesn't have huge
Here's just the first few items from the list, listed as port number
ordered by total number of hits:
DPT=3343 8859
DPT=23 7872
DPT=3344 5984
DPT=6 4925
DPT=68 4291
DPT=9 2625
DPT=3291 2524
DPT=32915 2523
DPT=143 2467
DPT=1433 2377
DPT=445 2037
DPT=33441 1544
DPT=33442 1522
DPT=33440 1511
DPT=33434 1511
DPT=33435 1487
DPT=33436 1486
DPT=33437 1476
DPT=33439 1458
DPT=33438 1439
DPT=80 1068
DPT=33443 1060
DPT=5060 948
Some of those are ports I've never been aware of, such as 3343, which
/etc/services lists as "ms-cluster-net". Obviously something on MS
systems, and apparently a lot of mal-dudes think it's a great port to
hit on, in case it might just happen to be wide open.
then there's port 23 (telnet) which at 7872 hits is ample evidence for
why everybody who knows anything says to NEVER put a system on the
internet with an open telnet port.
Then, even after all this garbage is filtered out, there is another HUGE
pile of things hitting my mail server that get filtered out by a variety
of filtering techniques including but not limited to greylisting email.
(BTW, greylisting was by far the most effective of all the filtering
techniques I've found for dropping spam before it ever gets into my
mail system. For mail that does get in, SpamBayes works great, once one
figures out how to configure it.)
If any of you don't believe that the 'net is populated by evil beings,
let this be a lesson to ye!
Thanks for your time!
---- Fred Smith -- fredex(a)fcshome.stoneham.ma.us -----------------------------
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged
sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow;
it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
---------------------------- Hebrews 4:12 (niv) ------------------------------