our new Server with AMD EPYC and super micro board reboots ramdonly.
There is no error message before the reboot in /var/log/messages.
we are running 2 Server with VMWare workstation without any problem.
The new server should run KVM.
older servers with AMD (before EPYC) running KVM without any problem.
any idea or recommendation?
Viele Grüße
Helmut Drodofsky
Internet XS Service GmbH
Heßbrühlstraße 15
70565 Stuttgart
Helmut Drodofsky
HRB 21091 Stuttgart
USt.ID: DE190582774
Fon: 0711 781941 0 <tel:+497117819410>
Fax: 0711 781941 79
Mail: info(a)internet-xs.de
I'm currently fiddling with Nginx on CentOS 7. Eventually I want to use it
instead of Apache on some servers.
Apache works more or less out of the box with SELinux. My websites are all
stored under /var/www, and ls -Z shows me that all files created under /var/www
are correctly labeled httpd_sys_content_t.
On my sandbox server I don't have Apache (httpd) installed, only Nginx (the
nginx package from EPEL).
I manually created the /var/www directory and put a handful of static websites
in there to play around with. Curiously enough, I got a SELinux alert.
I took a peek in /var/www, and here's what the SELinux context looks like:
Now I'm a bit puzzled. Is the correct httpd_sys_content_t context only applied
if the httpd package is installed? How else can I explain this strange behavior?
Any suggestions?
Microlinux - Solutions informatiques durables
7, place de l'église - 30730 Montpezat
Site : https://www.microlinux.fr
Mail : info(a)microlinux.fr
Tél. : 04 66 63 10 32
Mob. : 06 51 80 12 12