I'm having a strange problem booting a new centos7 installation. Below some
background on this. [I have attached the tech details at the bottom of this
I started a new CentOS7 installation on a VM, so far all good, o/s boots
fine. Then I decided to increase VM disk size (initially was 10G) to 13G.
Powered off the VM, increased the vhd via the hypervisor, booted from
CentOS livecd, selected "recover my centos installation". Then I used the
following sequence of commands to make …
[View More]the new vhd size "visible" to the
o/s ...
- ran fdisk /dev/sda and deleted partition 2. (This is the LVM partition
where the o/s is stored. The first partition is /boot [xfs] partition *non
- created a new partition with same starting sector as before deleting it,
but a different ending sector (to reflect to the increased space).
- set partition type to 8e (lvm), saved settings and exit.
- ran pvresize and lvresize to make new space visible to the o/s.All good,
I can see the space increase on 'lvdisplay centos/root'.
- ran 'mount /dev/mapper/centos-root /mnt/root' to temporarily mount the
o/s partition.
- ran 'xfs_growfs /mnt/root' to resize the o/s fs to the new size. It was
successful and I could actually chroot to the o/s and verify new disk size.
- rebooted and tried to boot from hdd this time. Grub menu shows up and
loads default kernel (3.10.0-862.9.1.el7.x86_64).
- after initial kernel boot up process, booting continues to initrd and
then it's where the problem starts...
- looks like dracut has issues locating/enabling /dev/mapper/centos-root
(lv) and as a result it cannot boot to the 'real' root fs (/).
- while in dracut shell, I execute the following command sequence:
1. lvm lvchange -ay /dev/centos/root
2. lvm lvchange -ay /dev/centos/swap
3. ln -s /dev/mapper/centos-root /dev/root
4. exit
...and the o/s boots fine...so looks like the pv,vg,lv is detected properly
while in initrd, but somehow dracut has difficulties enabling the root,swap
LVs ?
- While in o/s, I rebuild initrd by using: 'dracut -f -v -a lvm'
Note, I have to use '-a lvm' as for some reason, if don't, the lvm utils
(lvm,lvm_scan) are not being included to the initrd, not sure why this
After rebooting, same thing happens, I have to manually boot the system via
dracut shell.
I'm a bit stuck at this point, any clues what I'm doing wrong in here ?
As I previously said, this is a new installation, so I could simply
reinstall the whole thing, but I would rather try to find out some answer
to why is this happening ... :-) [curiosity]
Some additional details:
I've attached /run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt file [generated while in
inird] here:
o/s ver=CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)
[root@localhost ~]# lsblk
sda 8:0 0 13G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 500M 0 part /boot
└─sda2 8:2 0 12.5G 0 part
├─centos-root 253:0 0 11.5G 0 lvm /
└─centos-swap 253:1 0 1G 0 lvm [SWAP]
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/default/grub
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="$(sed 's, release .*$,,g' /etc/system-release)"
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="rd.lvm.lv=centos/root rd.lvm.lv=centos/swap rd.shell
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Hi everyone,
There's been discussions in the past about updating MATE RPMs in EPEL-7:
(and lots of others...)
As a proof-of-concept, I've written some scripts that clone specific
commits from the Fedora master branches, and then runs a tool to
re-apply RPM scriptlets that are required by EL7 but removed from the
Fedora .spec files.
The scripts are available at:
[View More]github.com/gebailey/mate-rpms/tree/master/1.20/el7
There's also instructions there if you want to try upgrading to MATE
1.20 w/o rebuilding them yourself.
If these packages work for others, perhaps we can revisit the idea of
updating the epel7 branches of the Fedora git repos and submitting an
official update.
There's nothing here (yet) about building MATE 1.22 (which might require
a newer gcc for EL7), or building anything on CentOS 8, but thought the
CentOS 7 users might find this helpful.
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Sorry for the length....
I'm posting this here since this particular transition has been
mentioned on-list as one possibility for a path forward for current
CentOS Linux users. AlmaLinux, the Developer Subscription RHEL, Rocky,
CentOS Stream, Springdale, upgrading to full RHEL; all these are also
possibilities, too, and all have different strengths and weaknesses.
The transition to Debian has a lot of strengths, including a long
track-record of support (even if the support …
[View More]time for a particular
release is shorter), a fully-open development model with no 'corporate
overlord' that I know of, a large set of supported packages, and a huge
community of developers and users. For the CentOS user the main
weakness is having to learn a few areas of difference in the way the
system is setup and maintained; of course, if a ten-year 'stable'
timeframe is really that important to you the lack of that is also a
So, last week I transitioned, as a test of sorts, my working CentOS 8
main laptop to Debian 10. I kept a complete backup of the C8 install
should I wish to go back to it, and installed Buster to a new mSATA SSD,
but ported the two SATA drives (Dell Precision M6700 - has an mSATA slot
plus two SATA bays) straight over after making full backups.
I posted a pretty complete rundown on the scientific linux users mailing
list, so I won't recap it all here. The bottom line was the the
transition was not any more difficult, really, than moving from CentOS 7
to CentOS 8. The software versions in Buster are pretty close to what
is in CentOS 8, although I have yet to need any third-party repository
(PPA) for anything I've needed to install.
All the packages I have worked with so far have worked fine with a
little bit of massaging. These include commercial (and costly) software
such as Harrison Consoles' Mixbus32C, Qoppa's PDFStudio2019
Professional, and others.
So if you were to decide that this is the route for you to take, it does
work and I found it to be not nearly as hard as I had thought it might
be. If you install GNOME 3 you get GNOME 3; it feels pretty much the
same as a non-Classic CentOS GNOME 3, just with a different set of
extensions installed by default.
That's on the workstation.
On the server side, I'm evaluating Proxmox for the virtualization
solution, and so far I'm finding it to be a pretty easy migration. I'm
using the 'non-subscription' repository, so this is a no-cost option.
Even getting the box registered to our EMC Clariion SAN was relatively
easy; EMC provides the Unisphere Server Utility for Linux x64 in RPM
form; the latest I have is
"ServerUtil-Linux-64-x86-en_US-" (which is
fairly old, but I did say Clariion arrays, so they're pretty old, too).
Debian has provided the 'alien' tool for some time; after installing
alien, a simple 'alien -i
ServerUtil-Linux-64-x86-en_US-' installed the
EMC RPM in the correct place. Proxmox already included everything that
serverutilcli requires; on a plain Buster install I had to install
dm-multipath and the device mapper libraries and tools before
serverutilcli would find the arrays; but it ran just like it did on
CentOS 8 (and 7).
I haven't decided whether to stay on Debian or not; too early to tell.
I have time to test and evaluate. My CentOS 7 installs aren't goin
anywhere, though, at least until late 2023. And I've registered for a
Developer subscription of RHEL so that I can properly evaluate that
option, too.
This is the beauty of open source: we have OPTIONS.
[View Less]
Will there be newer versions of Centos? We have heard rumors that
version 8 will be the last one. We are concerned with using an OS that
will loose support in the future. Thank you.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Pre-announcement of an ISC DHCP security issue scheduled for
disclosure 26 May 2021
Date: Fri, 21 May 2021 11:44:19 -0800
From: Michael McNally <mcnally(a)isc.org>
To: dhcp-announce(a)lists.isc.org
Hello, dhcp-announce list subscribers,
It has been a while since our last post to this list.
Since the last time we posted news of a new release of ISC DHCP,
Internet Systems Consortium has adopted a practice of pre-announcing
expected …
[View More]security disclosures in order to give operators who use our
products a little advance warning and planning time.
For that reason, I am writing you today to let you know that a vulnerability
in ISC DHCP will be publicly announced next week on Wednesday, 26 May 2021.
Further details about that vulnerability will be publicly disclosed next
week, and new releases of ISC DHCP that correct the vulnerability will be
made available at that time. It is our hope that this pre-announcement will
aid DHCP operators in preparing for that disclosure when it occurs.
Yours sincerely,
Michael McNally
(writing for ISC Security Officer)
dhcp-announce mailing list
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Dear All,
Is there an issue with some mirrors not syncing properly ? My colleague
is reporting , that some mirrors are receiving updates and others are
not receiving packages. Some are, according to him, are not receiving
updates since March.
Is there an issue at the moment ?
Any information is very welcome. If you need further information, please
ask and I will assists as much as I can.
Thank you.
Tristan Santore BSc MBCS
Network and Infrastructure …
[View More]Operations
Mobile +44-78-55069812
Former Thawte Notary
(Please note: Thawte has closed its WoT programme down,
and I am therefore no longer able to accredit trust)
For Fedora related issues, please email me at:
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I am using the getssl script to add a certificate to my server.
The script is automatically adding a SANS www.myserver.com when I do not
have a www.myserver.com - just simply the myserver.com
How can I tell getssl to "not add that SANS" entry ?
I have developped one python application. I need open source license server to manage the app via local network. Where can I get this kind of open source project?
Sometime ago I thought I needed kmod-wl to support a new wireless card. Turns out I didn't need to do that. Now I'd like to remove kmod entirely. But when I try I get this:
[root@ws1 etc]# dnf remove kmod
Problem: The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: systemd-udev
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)
I am sure I don't want to remove systemd-udev, so I am a loss.
I did disable akmods:
systemctl disable akmods
But I still …
[View More]see that kmod-wl is built each time the kernal is updated.
Any suggestions where I can find out how to remove kmod.
Note that searching the internet only brings me info on removing kmod-nvidia, and mostly on ubuntu, and they are no help because mostly what they discuss is how get back to neuveau.
Even docs I've found that discuss how to install kmod on CentOS say nothing about removal.
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I am running openssh-server-7.4p1-21.el7.x86_64 on CentOS Linux release
7.9.2009 (Core). Is there a plan to introduce OpenSSH 8.6/8.6p1 version
on CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009?
#cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
#rpm -qa | grep -i ssh
Please guide. Thanks in advance.
More Info:- https://www.openssh.com/releasenotes.html
Best Regards,