Following the advice on this mailing list, I rebuilt (from scratch)
Centos 7.8. I added the following line into /etc/yum.conf before the
first update:
exclude=grub2* shim* mokutil
The system worked fine. I was able to do general updates
yum -y update
and all was well.
HOWEVER, following Johnny Hughes' directions:
a) remove the 'exclude' line from yum.conf
b) perform update: yum -y update
c) reinstall kernel. Here the instructions were vague, so I typed in...
yum reinstall kernel-3.10.0
deriving the "3.10.0" label by the output of
rpm -qa | grep kernel
Yum got up to the point:
Running transaction
Installing :
at which point the process appeared to hang. No further output
happened for five minutes. I opened a different terminal and entered
"shutdown -r now". The result is an unbootable system.
What did I do wrong? I must admit that there are multiple copies of
advice on the mailing list, so perhaps I followed the wrong one?
So now, I tried the 'repair' mechanism, but couldn't make that work
either. So, it was back to initial from-scratch install.