Bo Lynch wrote:
We really do not use an email client here. We try to keep everything web based as much as possible. So interfacing with a email client such as outlook really isn't that important to me. The web interface is what I'm interested in.
Have you looked at the SME server disto from It installs as an appliance-like setup managed through a simple web interface. The code is mostly centos and includes hoard webmail running over dovecot with maildir storage out of the box. It doesn't have a shared calendar or other groupware components in the base setup and it is somewhat difficult to modify the already-customized configuration but there are a number of contributed add-ons that might provide them. Unfortunately the site seems to be down for maintenance right now so I can't check on them. Anyway, for a few hundred people, the setup really is as simple as answering a few questions and adding the users and it can also provide file/print/web/vpn services.