On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 05:36:19PM -1000, Miranda Hawarden-Ogata wrote:
I have some clients that run centos6 and I need to have users be able to access the "failsafe terminal" from the login screen. The old options (from 4/5) for choosing your session aren't present. I've googled a bit on this but don't seem to be using a good search string as most of the hits have nothing to do with this and the rest aren't helpful.
So, just wondering if anyone knows what I need to do to "turn on" session choosing from the login screen, and how to include the failsafe terminal.
so, if I understand correctly, you want to be able to choosoe "Gnome", "XFCE", etc., etc. from the login screen, right?
the feature is there, but it doesn't show up until you've chosen a username either from the list displayed, or entered one manually. so, enter a user ID and then choose, before completing the password.