David A. Woyciesjes wrote:
Jim Perrin wrote:
On 8/16/07, David A. Woyciesjes <david.woyciesjes@yale.edu> wrote:

 v.1.3. I looked in YumEx, but it didn't show an rdesktop  option to
install. I supposed I should download it from RPMForge and manually install

Just make sure you get the version built for your version and arch of
centos. They're tagged EL4, EL5, etc.
    Okay, now it starts the connection (using tsclient, RDP v5), but hangs with "Please wait". Then returns an error of:
Autoselected keyboard map en-us
WARNING: Remote desktop does not support colour depth 24; falling back to 16
ERROR: recv: connection reset by peer.

    But now tsclient/RDP seems to work! Hmmm....
    Rather sluggish. I'm getting the feeling I may need to start rdesktop from the command line, and probably use some options to tweak the performance. Any tips?
--- David Woyciesjes