Thanks for the reply. It turns out my problem was the filesystem image was not complete. It is a warewulf cluster using constructed node images and SGE's default shell is csh, which I assumed was installed on the nodes, but it wasn't.
On Oct 12, 2004, at 12:57 AM, sophana wrote:
I don't think I had such problems. when you type qhost what is the load displayed for your centos host? what does top display?
Try to disable load thresholds in the qmon queue configuration. this will disable the queue overloading.
Geoff Galitz wrote:
I'm having a little trouble getting Gridengine 5.3 running properly on a cluster using Centos 3.3.
Everything appears okay, but my jobs hang in the queue with the gridengine complaining that node is overloaded, but there is nothing (unusual) running on the node and the load is 0.
Has anyone else run into similar problems?
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