On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 4:30 PM, Jerry Geisgeisj@pagestation.com wrote:
I am getting this message quite often lately.
Centos 5.3, AMD dual core 5050e system x64
1 GIG ram, 4 GIG swap
Well that is a lot of swap for a server.. if something really starts using that much swap its going to most likely end up in a bad race where you are swapping out more stuff than you are getting in. For most large memory systems my rule of thumb is no more than 1:1 on swap. Adding to 1 to 3 more GB of memory can fix some of these issues sometimes because you have more room to stuff things in when trying to swap stuff in.
Free swap = 0kB Total swap = 4096564kB Free swap: 0kB
Something is eating up swap. Not sure what it is from the message.. so you are going to need to look in using some sort of script to track whats going on and see if you can find out what is doing it.