Nataraj wrote:
I would check the ownership and permissions of the mail directories and files. You might also try a different mail client.
Thanks for your response. All the dovecot mail directories and files are in ~/Maildir , and are owned by me, with all directories having 700 permission, and all files having 664 permssion.
Next I would go through your config file and using the documentation try to understand what the various configuration options mean. I have a very simple config file which does not define the namespace parameters and I am able to create top level subfolders using thunderbird (this is under CentOS 5).
I should have said that this worked fine for me under CentOS-5; it is only since going over to CentOS-6 that I have had this problem.
If your config file is not too large, simply posting it might be helpful, but as some have pointed out, you might do better to do this on the dovecot mailing list.
Under CentOS-6 /etc/dovecot/dovectot.conf is rather small. Everything significant seems to have been moved to /etc/dovecot/conf.d/ .
If you own the mail server, you could always go to the top level folder for your username and "mkdir .foldername" and then use chown,chmod to setup the permissions correctly and see if you can subscribe to that folder.
I did wonder about this, but was not sure of the consequences, and since I have had several problems not of my making with KMail2 I didn't want to add any of my own.