On 8/19/19 10:42 AM, lejeczek via CentOS wrote:
On 13/08/2019 13:33, Jonathan Billings wrote:
On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 01:02:58PM +0100, lejeczek via CentOS wrote:
I wonder if anybody might version of freeIPA in RHEL?
I hear it's 4.6.6 and if that's true then when will Centos get it I might ask.
RHEL 7.7 has FreeIPA 4.6.5, and eventually CentOS will get that version, but it's currently got 4.6.4. freeipa 4.6.6 looks like it was released at the end of last month, too late to be included in RHEL/CentOS 7.7. Perhaps in a later release?
and how far behind are we Centosians with that rhel 7's 4.6.5 IPA?
You aren't behind at all. You are on the latest release of what is in RHEL 7.7. This is enterprise linux. If you want the lasest versions of things then run fedora. That is what it does.