On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 1:47 AM, Dotan Cohen dotancohen@gmail.com wrote:
I have a Debian machine with four users that I plan on migrating to CentOS. As per Debian habits the UIDs start with 1000.
Is it enough to reuse the Debian /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd files over? Or will I need to configure some other things? I had considered just creating four new users starting from UID 500 then chown -R -ing the user's home directories, but I find that invasive and possibly error prone (maybe there are files that are not owned by them).
All advice appreciated. Thanks.
I prefer to start my users at 1000, even on RH/CentOS systems.
Check out the libuser.conf file which has configuration for the minimum user ID (LU_UIDNUMBER). I set to mine to 1000.