On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 11:31 AM Phelps, Matthew mphelps@cfa.harvard.edu wrote:
Not to mention the constant barrage of "You just want free Red Hat" and "CentOS users are moochers" and "We deserve value from all those CentOS users, so we're going to turn them into beta testers for RHEL." I have gotten these responses here and on twitter from CentOS and Red Hat employees.
So, sorry, but this line about this not being a money grab is an obvious crock of excrement.
Or the line that they "never promised 2029" and that it "was a mistake". THey keep trying to make it out as if the lifetime of CentOS was separate from RHEL. Yet, this interview comes out where Rich Bowen says exactly that it is, like we all expected it to be.
First, it's important to understand that the dates that the CentOS
project lists as EOL (End Of Life) dates are, and always have been, dependent on Red Hat. That is, we can say that CentOS Linux 7 will be EOL on a particular date, but if the dates around RHEL 7 shift, hypothetically speaking, then so will those around CentOS Linux 7. That's what happened with CentOS Linux 8. This decision was made by Red Hat and the CentOS Board. https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Red_Hat_to_move_focus_away_from_CentOS_in_favou...