Karanbir Singh spake the following on 8/30/2006 11:30 AM:
Scott Silva wrote:
I think postfix has added milter support lately. I use sendmail, but only because it is what I know, and I don't want to muck about in a working mailserver. Someday I will learn postfix, right after I get those washboard abs and die out the grey! ;-) ('cause only the cool kids know postfix!!!!!)
dont waste time, pass postfix, go straight to exim...
- K
I see flames!!!
I wish I could find an UNBIASED comparison of the main MTA's. I just seem to find ones that slant to the one that just happens to be used by the writer.
Most of what I have seen says stay away from Qmail, but only because of lack of maintenance by the programmer. Everything else just seems to orbit around Exim, Postfix, and Sendmail. I don't want to learn all three, so ... Hello again sendmail!