On Thu, 2005-12-08 at 01:42 +0800, Feizhou wrote:
Typing this, what does this have with the topic of using Cyrus? It's the storage. Cyrus will work with SAN as happy as it will work with local drives.
Not in a cluster it won't. That's the point. Two cyrus boxes sharing a SAN = nightmare. If they don't recommend NFS, they won't recommend a SAN either. Hence their murder scheme which will not provide HA of all mailboxes.
---- this has gone so far afield it isn't relevant to much of anything.
If you are going for HA and tying it all to a single SAN server, then where is your single point of breakage?
This doesn't relate to but a very tiny percentage of users on this list and those that are choosing SAN are making careful evaluations of all of the software that they use.