on 6-19-2009 10:19 AM MHR spake the following:
Is anyone else seeing this situation?
I subscribe to the announce digest, and for the last four or five announcements that contained updates to CentOS 5, I've been unable to get a successful run of yum update for as much as 24 hours after the announcement. The last time around, I tried at about 5 hours after the posting, and yum couldn't see anything. I ran yum clean all, and yum update still couldn't see anything. In general, if I wait a day, the updates load just fine, but that just feels wrong.
I do have the fastestmirror plugin installed (and priorities).
Yes, I see it too. The announcement says in it that the files are being released to the mirrors, not that they are available to download.
<quote> The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: </quote>
Some of the mirrors take a while to sync, or maybe don't check for updates as often as others do.