Jerry Geis wrote:
I am migrating off of a 40GIG hda to a new 160GIG sda disk. I plan on installing 4.2 from scratch. But after that what is the correct way do transfer all the data from hda (home partition really) to the new sda home partition?
# mkdir /newhome # mount /dev/sda1 /newhome (assuming it's sda1) # cd /home # find . -mount | cpio -pmdv /newhome
I presume there is just a couple files in /etc to restore also. Like hosts, passwd. Anything else?
_Be_careful_ on blindly copying things from /etc. That's why I use RCS (ci -l filename) after anytime I edit a file. So I can do something like this ...
# cd /etc # find . -mount | grep -i ",v" | cpio -pmdv /newroot/etc
That copies all version files (,v) to the new /etc. Then I can run "rcsdiff" to see the differences between the new files and my original ones (without blowing away the original ones).
Other suggestions welcome also. this is my first time migrating to a new disk.