On 08.Okt.2013, at 04:51, Tim Dunphy wrote:
But more importantly, when I try to pop the above two working statements from the command line into a script, the following occurs:
[tdunphy@MIAGRBISSH01V ~]$ for i in MIAGRBIORCA0{0..9}V MIAGRBIORCA1{0..2}V
ssh -q -t -t -t $i sudo -S 'cp -v /data/solr-4.3.1/zoe/etc/logback.xml
/tmp/logback.xml-${i}-$(date +%Y%m%d).bak' <<EOF
secret_sauce EOF
ssh -q -t -t -t $i sudo -S 'ls -l /home/tdunphy/logback.xml-${i}-$(date
+%Y%m%d).bak' <<EOF
secret_sauce EOF
tcgetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device `/data/solr-4.3.1/zoe/etc/logback.xml' -> `/tmp/logback.xml--20131007.bak'
The cp did work, sudo accepted the password. Note that ${i} was not interpolated into the file name.
tcgetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3372 Oct 7 22:07 /home/tdunphy/logback.xml--20131007.bak
the ls did work
tcgetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device [sudo] password for tdunphy:
But what's that? Is the password the same on all hosts, i.e. it works for one host, but not the other? Or do you have another ssh in the for loop you did not tell us about?
Try do add some debugging output with the hostname into the loop.