On Jan 9, 2008, at 2:04 PM, Ryan Ordway wrote:
On Jan 9, 2008, at 12:27 PM, Jack Bailey wrote:
Ryan Ordway wrote:
I had been running CentOS 5 happily on my Sun Fire X4200 M2 systems, then I upgraded the BIOS and iLOM firmware. Now I'm running into what seems to be a fairly common problem with newer motherboards. I cannot boot unless I use the 'noapic' kernel option. If I try to boot the kernel normally, I get the error:
"MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC"
I can boot using noapic, but interrupts are *HORRIBLE* with noapic on the X4200 M2. Here is a system with the new BIOS running with noapic:
What firmware version is it? I'm running on the version from the FW12201_BIOS61600_4100M213.iso disk on Sun's web site and don't see that error when booting.
Ahh, I may have used an old image. It's BIOS 0ABJX043, and it looks like that image you gave contains 0ABJX044. I'll try that version and see if it fixes the issue.
That was definitely the problem. I had upgraded the BIOS directly from the iLOM using tftp. But I did:
tftp -source tftp://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/path/to/ilom-bios.ima
When I forced it to upgrade the BIOS with:
tftp -f -source tftp://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/path/to/ilom-bios.ima
It actually installed the 44 BIOS. I wasn't running the 43 BIOS before though... botched BIOS update maybe?
In any case, it's fixed now and definitely not a CentOS/kernel problem.
-- Ryan Ordway E-mail: rordway@oregonstate.edu Unix Systems Administrator rordway@library.oregonstate.edu OSU Libraries, Corvallis, OR 97331 Office: Valley Library #4657