On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 at 5:05pm, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote
I'm trying to setup a simple NFSv4 mount between two x86_64 hosts. On the server, I have this in /etc/exports:
/export $CLIENT(ro,fsid=0) /export/qb3 $CLIENT(rw,nohide)
ON $CLIENT, I mount via:
mount -t nfs4 $SERVER:/qb3 /usr/local/sge62/qb3
$ touch /usr/local/sge62/qb3/foo touch: cannot touch `/usr/local/sge62/qb3/foo': Read-only file system
I'd really rather not export the pseudo-root read-write, so how do I get this working? Any hints would be appreciated -- thanks.
For the archives, my issue was that qb3 was on the /export filesystem. I instead mounted the filesystem at /export/qb3, and then the above setup worked.